Our Grants - Intro - New Israel Fund Australia (New)

Our Grants - Intro

Projects We Support

Each year we support more than a dozen projects, each of which bring Israel closer to realising the values of its Declaration of Independence. You can read more about the impact our projects have, or view a breakdown of our funding on this page.

We are committed to transparency about where our community's funds are spent. 

All grantees are legally recognised and registered nonprofits in Israel. Additionally, every grantee must meet NIF’s funding guidelines and undergo regular evaluations for effectiveness and consistency with NIF’s overall strategic priorities.

Read more about our impact: combating racism and discrimination, promoting shared Jewish-Arab cooperation, assisting people seeking asylum and refugees, promoting the status of women, equality for Palestinian citizens of Israel, inclusion for all expressions of Judaism, justice in the occupied Palestinian territories and safeguarding the civil rights of all Israelis.