Fri 25 Sep 2020 at 10am - 11am
Contact Sharon Berger ( 0438262120) for more information.
Join NIF staff Rabbi Ayelet S. Cohen and Rabbi Ephraim Pelcovits for a pre-Yom Kippur text study to examine the closing refrain of the seminal Unetaneh Tokef prayer.
While the words of this poem are designed to make us confront our fragility, they are also a call to action, forcing us to ponder how we can intervene to heal the profound brokenness of the world.
The webinar will be a wonderful opportunity to prepare for Yom Kippur – and to do the difficult cheshbon hanefesh (soul searching) that is so central to this season – around the intersections of our progressive and Israel values.
We will be using the source sheet below as the basis of our conversation.
When you RSVP for this event you'll be sent a Zoom meeting link.
We will use this source sheet as the basis of the lunchtime discussion.