2021 - New Israel Fund Australia



Conducts litigation by and for Arab citizens of Israel to ensure the rights of this community.
African Refugee Development Center
Providing humanitarian aid, supplies and daily necessities to people seeking asylum and refugees during the COVID-19 crisis.
Providing humanitarian aid, supplies and daily necessities to people seeking asylum and refugees during the COVID-19 crisis.
Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) - OPT/East Jerusalem project
Fighting poverty and struggling for equal access to education for Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem and the occupied Palestinian territories.
Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) - Public Hotline
Israel's largest and oldest civil rights organisation, they safeguarding equality through precedent-setting litigation.
Association of Ethiopian Jews
One of Israel's leading organisations promoting equality and justice for Ethiopian Israelis, they run critical legal cases, provide education and employment training and much more.
Atid Bamidbar (Developing Bedouin Tourism as a Catalyst for Good Neighbourly Relations)
Part of NIF's Voices of Hope grants in the aftermath of the violence between Jewish and Arab Israelis in May 2021, this project will develop Bedouin tourism in the Negev in order to address the inequality between Jewish and Bedouin residents
Bait la-Ruah/Association for Spiritual Guidance (Bilingual Counselor)
Sending Jewish and Arab counsellors to workers in the health sector – doctors, nurses, clinic staff and aged care homes – to address the stress associated with the violence and develop a program to support staff from all backgrounds
Spatial and town planning expertise inside Israel and in Area C of the West Bank to ensure Palestinian villages aren't denied electricity, water and education resources by the Israeli government.
Combating cases of discrimination felt by people with a disability in Israel.
Community House
Building a shared work space for organisations working with refugees and people seeking asylum in Israel. This grant is fully funded by the Victor Smorgon Charitable Fund.
Addressing the ongoing food insecurity crisis among refugees and people seeking asylum, Elifelet is distributing food and material aid to families and communities across Israel.
Gisha – Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement
A unique approach helping residents of Gaza travel for crucial medical care, education and professional advancement.
Givat Haviva: Jewish-Arab Center for Peace
This emergency grant to Givat Haviva funded crisis accommodation to families in Ashkelon fleeing rockets during the May 2021 escalation of violence.
Providing free legal aid to Palestinians in the occupied territories in a wide range of areas, including freedom of movement, residency and social rights, the right to family life and property, and protections for minors in detention.
Hand In Hand
A network of schools in Israel building shared society, demonstrating an important model of inclusion and partnership for Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Haqel: Jews and Arabs in Defense of Human Rights
Offers legal advice and case management support for 5,000 residents of the South Hebron Hills who have suffered from an uptick in settler violence in recent months, including through an emergency hotline and by liaising with the military and police.
Hotline for Refugees and Migrants - Israel
Protects people seeking asylum, refugees, migrant workers and victims of human trafficking in Israel, ensuring they aren't deported or detained unfairly, and have access to basic government services.
Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) - Racism Crisis Centre
Combating the racism and discrimination felt by Palestinian citizens of Israel, the Ethiopian community, people seeking asylum, Russian immigrants and the LGBT community.
Israel Religious Action Centre (IRAC)
Defending religious freedom and pluralism, gender equality, and ensuring equal treatment of all streams of Judaism.
Meaning 'crochet' in Tigrinya, Kuchinate is a collective of African asylum-seeking women living in Tel Aviv. The funding promotes social enterprise and serves as an effective tool to improve socio-economic outcomes for the community.
Mesila - Treatment for Families of Migrant Workers and Asylum Seekers (Tel Aviv Foundation)
Mesila is developing "The Fresh Place", a choice model food bank in South Tel Aviv which will provide the community a central and stable location to access nutritious foods and increase nutrition education and awareness.
Physicians for Human Rights
Medical care for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza through clinics and visits, bringing expertise otherwise not found in the occupied Palestinian territories, and running an open clinic for migrant workers and refugees inside Israel.
Advancing the rights of Israel's Ethiopian communities through legal advocacy and training.
Tzedek Centres
Running leadership courses for Jewish and Arab activists in shared cities. By focusing on building shared power, the Tzedek Centres can overcome the trauma of Jewish-Arab violence, improve trust and shape a better future for the cities' residents.
Women Against Violence (Nazareth)
Yesh Din
Seeks to protect human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories by conducting legal advocacy and protecting Palestinians against violence from settlers.