Mon 26 Feb 2024 at 6:30pm - 7:30pm
AEDT Online
Contact Max Korman () for more information.
Join our conversation with peace activists Maoz Inon and Hamze Awawde as we continue to reel from the events of October 7 and the subsequent violence since.
Maoz lost his parents in the horrific attacks of October 7 and has since become a leading voice for peace in international media. Hamze is a Palestinian peace activist and conflict resolution expert, committed to leading programs that bring Jewish Israelis and Palestinians together.
In these times of crisis the commitment to peace, justice and equality is essential in fostering a better future for Israelis and Palestinians. We are so pleased to host Maoz and Hamze as leaders paving a path of justice and peace.
The event will be hosted by journalist Dina Kraft.
You can listen to Dina, Maoz and Hamze on recent podcasts here.
Maoz Inon is an award-winning Israeli social entrepreneur and peace activist who has founded several tourism initiatives within Israel and the Middle East. Since the murder of his parents in the Hamas attacks on Israel on the 7th October 2023, Maoz has become a leading voice for peace in international media. You can watch Maoz's interview with BBC here and on CNN here.
Hamze Awawde is a Ramallah-based Palestinian peace activist and conflict resolution expert. Hamze holds a master's degree in global community development from the Hebrew University and a business degree from Birzeit University. Hamze's family was displaced in 1948 and has since been heavily impacted by the ongoing violence. His grandfather was a fighter that was killed in 1978, and his cousin was recently shot by the IDF in Dura. For the last 12 years, he has been committed to leading programs that bring Jewish Israelis and Palestinians together and believes that those directly impacted by the conflict do not have the luxury of being extremists. Hamze is the Palestinian Regional Manager at Hands of Peace and a former program director at Yala Young Leaders. You can watch Hamze's interview on CNN with Magen Inon (Maoz's brother) here and on BBC here.
Dina Kraft is an award-winning journalist, podcaster and the co-author of the New York Times bestseller, "My Friend Anne Frank" together with Hannah Pick-Goslar. She lives in Tel Aviv where she's the opinion editor of Haaretz English and co-host of the podcast, "Groundwork" about Israeli and Palestinians working for peace.
Dina is a former Associated Press and Christian Science Monitor correspondent, and has written for The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post and others. She was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University and Ochberg Fellow at Columbia University School of Journalism.