Avi Dabush in Australia

Avi Dabush in Australia

Sydney Tickets Here

Melbourne Tickets Here


About the Events

Avi Dabush was in his home in Kibbutz Nirim on October 7th when Hamas terrorists attacked his home. Since then, he has continued his work, tirelessly fighting for peace, justice and equality for all in Israel-Palestine. 

An inspirational activist and leader, Avi is the Executive Director of Rabbis for Human Rights and has worked for a variety of civil society organisations, including NIF Israel’s action-arm, Shatil. 

NIF is thrilled to host Avi, to help us make sense of the path forward, following on from the horrors of October 7th, and the subsequent violence in Gaza and the West Bank.

Join us to learn from Avi, and help make sense of this moment, in order to understand how we can work towards a better future for Israelis and Palestinians.