The New Israel Fund supports the struggle of the Ethiopian community to eliminate the racism and institutionalised discrimination that threatens them in Israel, including systematic mistreatment and profiling by the police.
For more than a decade, NIF has partnered with Tebeka, an organisation that cultivates young leaders in the Ethiopian community advocate for equality and social justice, and which has been at the forefront of a number of important legal initiatives to protect the rights of the Ethiopian community and fight against racism.
Our work in that sphere is of utmost importance to ensuring members of the Ethiopian community as full and valued citizens.
We resolutely oppose violence and call on both the small number of demonstrators who resorted to violence, and on the police themselves, to avoid any repetition of this week’s events which resulted in many injuries. We will continue to support this community’s and every Israeli’s right to peaceful protest.
You can read more about the protests in Israel through these links:
- Policeman caught on camera beating IDF soldier
- Netanyahu calls to 'eradicate' racism in meeting with Ethiopian soldier beat up by cop
- Netanyahu promises new approach to help Ethiopian community
- From Rabin Square to Baltimore, outrage puts bias and prejudice in harsh mirror – Chemi Shalev
- Israel's long history of racism: What exactly are Ethiopian Israelis protesting?