As we approach the first Pesach since New Israel Fund Australia was formed, we want to thank you for your principled commitment in supporting us and the New Israel Fund.
Pesach, the festival of freedom, provides an opportunity to reflect on NIF’s critical work upholding freedom: supporting the battle against gender segregation in public spaces; supporting Israeli Arabs to challenge discrimination and racism, most recently in response to mob violence directed at Arab workers in a Jerusalem mall; supporting disadvantaged Mizrachi and Ethiopian Jews; and advocating for other marginalised people in Israel, including people with disabilities, refugees and people struggling with homelessness or with poor access to education.
We are also delighted to be able to announce that Daniel Sokatch, the chief executive of the New Israel Fund, will be visiting Australia in May for speaking engagements in Sydney and Melbourne.
Daniel is an inspirational speaker and his visit will give you the opportunity to get a better understanding of the range of organisations NIF supports, why the need for NIF’s work is more urgent than ever, and to ask any questions you have about NIF. You can read a message from Daniel here. Details of Daniel’s trip will be made available nearer the time.
As you sit with family and friends at the seder table, you may like to add to your reading of the haggadah some of the following material, which shines contemporary light on the Jewish tradition of social obligation, brought to life each year in the re-telling of our ancient story of the Exodus.
Please subscribe to our newsletter so that you keep up to date with all our announcements regarding Daniel.
Chag kasher ve'sameach,