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Pages tagged "home"

Israel Refocused: On racism felt by the Ethiopian community, and the new Israeli government

In this edition of Israel Refocused we bring you some important information about the Ethiopian community’s protests from a couple of weeks ago. With time to absorb its significance we’re able to more fully understand the extent that the community feels discrimination and racism on a daily basis.

Hamutal GouriOf course, Israel’s new government has been sworn in with some controversial characters taking the reins of important ministries, and, as it does most years, the Yom Yerushalayim march has created headlines for all the wrong reasons.

In NIF news, next week we’re excited to bring Israeli feminist activist Hamutal Gouri to Australia, together with Limmud-Oz. You can see her sessions at Limmud here, as well as a number of other great sessions that you might find interesting. (You can buy tickets for Limmud on their website.) Hamutal is also speaking in Melbourne at Shira Hadasha on Saturday June 13th.


Liam (Executive Director) and Dani (Project Officer)

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Join us at Limmud-Oz - with Israeli feminist activist Hamutal Gouri, and 200 other great sessions

It’s almost June, and that means it’s time for Limmud Oz!

This year in Sydney from June 6th to 8th, Limmud-Oz has some great international speakers, as well as incredible local presenters. You can view the full schedule here, but we thought we’d highlight some of the speakers and sessions NIF supporters might find interesting.

You can buy your conference tickets online.

Whether you live in Sydney, or you're coming up especially for Limmud-Oz, make sure you say hi -- it will be great to see a strong New Israel Fund Australia contingent there!

All the best,

Liam Getreu
Executive Director

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NIF's Letter to FIFA

NIF Israel Executive Director Rachel Liel wrote this letter to FIFA president Sepp Blatter requesting that the Israel Football Association not be suspended from FIFA.  

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Have you seen this week’s Jewish News editorial?


I wanted to share with you this week’s Jewish News cover, and its editorial.

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Statement: Reclaim Australia rallies

The New Israel Fund (NIF) Australia Foundation condemns the hatred and bigotry aimed exclusively at Muslims which was displayed at the recent Reclaim Australia rallies.

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Israel Refocused: Coalition building in Israel, and some great resources for your Pesach seder

The results from Israel’s elections two weeks ago are becoming clearer -- Benjamin Netanyahu has been tasked with forming a coalition, and all signs point to it having a rather narrow right-nationalist-Orthodox composition.

However, as we wrote last week, elections are but one part of any democratic society. Indeed, many of the issues that came to the fore -- including an increase in an increase in polarisation, racism, and incitement -- are now sparking new conversations inside Israel, and solving them will require strong cooperation with civil society, and continued investment from Diaspora Jewry.

Of course, we are also embarking on Pesach, the holiday when freedom is explored and re-explored each year. For those of you attending a seder, we’ve also included some interesting materials you might like to include to complement your celebrations.

Chag sameach v’kasher,

Liam Getreu
Executive Director

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Bank of Israel Reflects Shatil Recommendations: Urges More Public Housing

PictureAll the noise made by the Public Housing Forum in the weeks leading up to the election is paying off: Just five days after the election, the Bank of Israel called on the new government to decrease the country’s growing poverty rate by increasing the number of public housing units -- especially in the country’s centre where it’s easier to find employment -- as well as increasing rental assistance for people who qualify.

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On the election results in Israel

Yesterday’s election is a moment in time, and not one that is going to change Israel’s immediate course or the New Israel Fund’s priorities.

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18 March Event: Processing the Israeli election results with Naomi Chazan

Naomi ChazanNIF Australia invites you to a post-election conversation with Naomi Chazan. Naomi, with more than a decade of experience in the Knesset, will help process all the results from the election, and provide insight on Israel’s likely direction going forward.

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Recent attacks on NIF -- who, what, and why

Friends --

I wanted to let you know about recent attacks against the New Israel Fund.

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