Governance - New Israel Fund Australia


NIF Australia is run by a board and staff members – but none of it is possible without the amazing and generous support of our supporters and donors.

Grants Listing

We are committed to transparency about where our community's funds are spent, so we list every project that receives funding from NIF Australia. You can also learn more about them on the Our Impact page of this site.

Funding Guidelines

In order to receive funding from the New Israel Fund, organisations and projects must meet strict criteria. These guidelines are designed to inform NIF’s grant-making, capacity-building and project decisions. These highlight three principles:

  1. Respect for a multiplicity of viewpoints
  2. Transparency to grantees, donors and the public at large
  3. Compliance with standards of accountability and due diligence

Criteria for Grant-Making and Support

  1. Compliance with the laws of the state of Israel
  2. Respect for the principles of the New Israel Fund and compliance with its policies and procedures
  3. Relevance to NIF strategic priorities, including:
    1. A focus on social change
    2. Strengthening Israel’s democratic values and institutions
    3. Missions that fall within one of NIF’s four general issue areas: human and civil rights; social and economic justice; religious pluralism and tolerance; and protecting Israel’s environment.
  4. Nonprofit status
    1. Registration as an amuta or a company for the benefit of the public;
    2. Publicly available bylaws;
    3. Audited financial reports;
    4. Confirmation of proper accounting procedures as required by Israeli tax authorities and possession of a certificate of tax-withholding at source.
    5. The above eligibility requirements will not apply to individuals or coalitions requesting capacity building services from Shatil.

Organisations that engage in the following activities will not be eligible for NIF grants or support:

  1. Participate in partisan political activity
  2. Promote anti-democratic values
  3. Support the 1967 occupation and subsequent settlement activity
  4. Violate the human rights of any group or individual, advocate human rights selectively for one group over another and/or reject the principle of the universality of human rights
  5. Condone or promote violence or use violent tactics
  6. Employ racist or derogatory language or designations about any group based on their religion, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
  7. Works to deny the right of the Jewish people to sovereign self-determination within Israel or to deny the rights of Palestinian or other non-Jewish citizens to full equality within a democratic Israel.
  8. Engage in activities at odds with the positions, principles, or vision of the New Israel Fund.

NIF will not fund global BDS activities against Israel nor support organisations that have global BDS programs.

In addition to the NIF's global criteria, we also ensure all NIF Australia-funded projects comply with Australian law and the New Israel Fund Australia's status as a public benevolent institution (PBI).

Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)

We are registered with the ACNC. You can review our financial documents and annual information statements on their website.

Reports & Updates

Audited financial documents